Saturday, December 15, 2007

Developing Content for Training

Content Development for training might appear to be a very easy job,however the challenge lies not in making a training module,but to ideate a concept, which is user friendly, can be customized and can very well be understood by all and sundry without any formal classroom training.There are various ways to do it, one can be watching experts while on job, the other could be interviewing and subconscious learning.Both the methods appear to be very easy, however, the fun lies in deciphering the mindsets,through active and passive learning on the part of the content developer.

To discover more, lets start the thinking ball rolling

Friday, November 23, 2007

Trainer need to be a trainee

A trainer need to be a trainee in order to pass across the message.Jargons, complex concepts has to be simplified and this is where a trainer need to grasp things as if he is a trainee and not trainer.Easy to say, difficult to do!Try it once, if you fail, let me know please!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Recruitment training

Training for recruitment is very important.Emerging economies like India, Russia, China are witnessing massive manpower needs not only in their home market,but also globally owing to their citizens being efficient and economically competitive. But who is going to take up the onus of training and making those people(the mass, not the class)job worthy in the new era?It has to be the role of trainers like us. If interested, kindly contact me.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Training the Trainers

Training the trainer is where the challenge lies for a trainer. To train one of his tribe, a trainer need to do lot of homework and thrash out the details of the module in consonance with the trainee. As the trainee is one of his peers, training the trainer entails more of peer learning, sans the ego and other personal blockers.The real challenge is therefore not training the training but to be simple and sincere to the objective which can culminate in cross pollination of ideas for both the trainer and the trainee.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

A Successful Trainer

A successful trainer is one who is adept at customizing his training abilities commensurate with his target audience. This however, needs lot of practice and one has to understand the pulse of the mob being trained. This also calls for emphatizing with the group as well understanding every one on an individual basis. How can a trainer do that in a time span of a few hours?Is he going to indulge in all these diagnosis or deliver his training module?But, it's for sure a trainer cannot do away with this fundamental probing process. When, how and to what extent you probe your audience is what we need to brainstorm.Kindly solicit your valuable inputs.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Mental Trauma

We are ourselves responsible for the mental trauma one encounters while coming out of challenges.This trauma are our own creation primarily because we try to stretch ourselves till the time the going is smooth.The moment it is tougher we try to either give up or look for scapegoats so that we can lean upon. Mental trauma can very well be controlled if we follow a balanced approach in taking challenges and risks.

Kindly solicit your thoughts.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Management Learning

Hi Everybody,
Can anyone be taught management in a formal set up?I strongly believe that one can only facilitate management learning by being an active and keen observer, analyzer(using mostly non-verbal skills),emphatizer, so that one can reinforce the concepts everytime with a practical dimension. Theoritical management learning does not have anyplace in this world and the successful management trainer are those who can make his trainee understand all the nuances in a practical set up without making him realize that he is learning, subconsciously.

My fellow esteemed trainers and teachers, I am interested to know your take on this.