The two day's workshop on the 23rd and 24th of September 09 for RGI group's colleges of management and business administration was a thrilling one where the faculties from all the domains of management were brought together to understand, analyze, disseminate and percolate the ideas gathered to the students and the peers who couldn't make it to the forum.The workshop chaired by yours truly, as the facilitator, was broken into components like "How to write a case","Teaching through Case Studies","Myths about Case Based Teaching", "How to Write Articles", "How to make and run projects","Global happenings in the Management Education", followed by an open house.A total of 25 teaching staff from different domains of management representing different B-schools under the RGI banner, hailing from Nagpur, Amravati,Jalgaon, Pune participated in the two days deliberations.The homework sent to all the delegates comprised of a 30 page case study for their critical analysis. The title of the case was "HRM in Affiliates of companies working in Estonia". Another homework in the form of spadework for "Article Writing" was also given to the delegates,whereby they were supposed to gather the information, which in turn was to be converted into an article. Five power point presentations detailing the topic, apart from a simulated case presentation was put forth by the workshop facilitator.He also shared few of his published articles, research papers and case studies.The workshop hovered around the model of learning by doing as the delegates were either involved in group or individual exercises.
The workshop was inaugurated at the august hands of group chairman, Mr. Sunilji Raisoni, in the presence of Executive Directors and Directors, Mr. Mahadev Shastri and Mr. Yasin Sheikh respectively. Mr. Varadpande, Placement Manager compared the inaugural event, followed by the extempores by Mr. Shastri and Mr. Sheikh. They empahsized the importance of learning and novel training techniques in the modern day management learning.The event was managed by GH Raisoni Academy For Human Execllence Pvt. Ltd.
In a nutshell, my small Eid vacation in India was a perfect blend of earn, learn and some fun!!!
Hi Manishankar Sir,
First of all let me thank you for such an informative training session.It was a great experience for me as I had attended such kind of training session for the first time.
It has highly motivated me to be an effective trainer for my students.
I am looking forward to attend more of your sessions in future.
Thanks & Regards,
Pranoti Paradkar
It was indeed a reciprocal learning mechanism as I had gathered substantial takeaways from all of you, mainly related to classroom management, pros and cons of different teaching techniques etc.The perfect icing was the novel ways of case based learning we revolutionized at the end of the two day deliberations. We can continue to share our post workshop experiences through this forum and future discussions which would be initiated subsequently.
Thanks and cheers Pranoti!!!
Dear Sir,
As you know , i was attending your workshop third time during 22-23 Sep at Nagpur. Though i found it very useful(content wise) for effective teaching, i request you to try to bring in more innovation and make the presentation more effective. I felt that, some of the ppts are too lengthy and faculty members may want it in a more precise and effective manner. However, my observation may be wrong and i wish that you always keep doing good work.
We shall continue sharing our knowledge and experiences
Thanks and Regards
Saikishore, Pune.
Dear Sai Sir,
Thanks for your honest feedback.I tried to elaborate mainly because I was being told that more than 90 percent of the attendees are fresh and new.I tried to incorporate stuffs which probably you may have gone through in the last two workshops.Innovation and creativity in presentation is definitely a good suggestion, but I always feel that being a peripheral function, once the approach is clear,individual faculties can always rope in their respective novel ways of presentation.
However, your suggestion is well taken and hope that your academy has one workshop exclusively on creativity and innovation in presentation so that core objective doesn't get diluted.
Seems very useful for teachers to update themselves. Wish that other groups also arrange such workshops & others who missed this chance can join in future.
Yup,it was pretty useful for all the faculties and I should indeed congratulate the delegates who were keen enough to participate whole heartedly,thereby making the workshop a grand success.The takeaways for the trainers were revolutionary in the sense that we finalized many novel ways of management training.
I am open to conducting such workshops in future whenever, I am in India
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